Saturday, June 27, 2009

Why is Palm Oil bad???

Hmm probably got a bit ahead of myself with the first post. For those of you who don't know, I better explain myself! I can't put it as eloquently as some of the specialised websites, so I suggest you check out for the full scoop. But here's a brief rundown.
Palm Oil is fine. Nothing wrong with it in theory. A cheap vegetable oil used in many many supermarket products from Tim Tams and rice crackers to soap and shampoo.
Problem is how it's produced.
Indonesia is the biggest producer. Unfortunately Indonesia is also the last home of many endangered species such as Orangutans, Sumatran Tigers, Rhinos and Elephants etc. etc.
In South East Asia alone, 300 soccer fields worth of rainforest are destroyed every HOUR for Palm Oil Plantations.
Orangutans will be EXTINCT in approximately 10 years if nothing is done to slow this industry.
Orangutans are 97% the same DNA as us, our close cousins and we are inadvertantly playing a part in their extinction.
The only way to slow this is to slow demand. To put pressure on companies to insist on SUSTAINABLE population.
To push our government to make it compulsory to label Palm Oil so that we know we are consuming it (at the moment it can hide under about a dozen different names, the most innocuous being "Vegetable Oil".
It's a complex issue. Just know that it's important and we can make a change if we all stick together.
It's not too late but it will be if nothing changes soon!
Take your consumer power and USE it!!!

Chocolate addiction versus Orangutans...

This =

Should be THIS.

I have been inspired to start this blog by Palm Oil really finally interfering with my life. I have known for a loooong time the negative effects of Palm Oil and have phased many products out of my life. But now they are REALLY messing with my one true love... chocolate.
Cadbury's in NZ have just snuck in a new ingredient (and they thought we were too dumb to notice!) They have added vegetable fat (ie. Palm Oil) to their chocolate. So I call for a boycott. There are plenty of alternatives out there. Companies who DO care about the environment and show it not just through words, but through action.
My colleagues and I are working hard on ideas for action to raise awareness of the Palm Oil crisis, and to put pressure on companies to find sustainable alternatives. I will use this forum to keep everyone updated on where we're at, and help make it easier for you to be a responsible shopper!
Please help us send a clear message to Cadbury that we're not stupid, we do read our labels, and unlike them we do care about what happens to this planet!!!