Saturday, June 27, 2009

Chocolate addiction versus Orangutans...

This =

Should be THIS.

I have been inspired to start this blog by Palm Oil really finally interfering with my life. I have known for a loooong time the negative effects of Palm Oil and have phased many products out of my life. But now they are REALLY messing with my one true love... chocolate.
Cadbury's in NZ have just snuck in a new ingredient (and they thought we were too dumb to notice!) They have added vegetable fat (ie. Palm Oil) to their chocolate. So I call for a boycott. There are plenty of alternatives out there. Companies who DO care about the environment and show it not just through words, but through action.
My colleagues and I are working hard on ideas for action to raise awareness of the Palm Oil crisis, and to put pressure on companies to find sustainable alternatives. I will use this forum to keep everyone updated on where we're at, and help make it easier for you to be a responsible shopper!
Please help us send a clear message to Cadbury that we're not stupid, we do read our labels, and unlike them we do care about what happens to this planet!!!

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